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Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild

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  2. Venues
  3. Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild
Events at this venue

ACI-SC Project Competition 2022

Singapore Polytechnic Graduates' Guild 1010 Dover Rd, Singapore 139658, Singapore

The annual “Project Competition ACI (SC) 2022” was organized by American Concrete Institute (Singapore Chapter) and American Concrete Institute Singapore Student Chapter on Friday, 16th December 2022 from 0900-1700 hours. The theme of this competition was "Advanced Concrete Materials & Technologies for the Future"

Built World Tech + Data Seminar

Singapore Polytechnic Graduates' Guild 1010 Dover Rd, Singapore 139658, Singapore

Photo Gallery This in-person technical seminar is focused on introducing the latest concrete inspection technologies in the field of NDT. The digitalization process for on-field data capture and different methods for management of those collected data are explained using the latest innovations of non-destructive testers such as GPR and Rebound hammers. Technologies such as Ultrasound […]

36th Annual General Meeting

Singapore Polytechnic Graduates' Guild 1010 Dover Rd, Singapore 139658, Singapore

The 36th Annual General Meeting of the Chapter was held on 26th May 2022 at the Singapore Polytechnic Graduates' Guild. One of the main agendas is to elect office bearers: the Vice President, Honorary Treasurer and three Directors.